Expiry : Unlimited Days
Exams : English Exam(9/2/24) | Profit and loss | English Exam | GEOGRAPHY EXAM 14.02.2024 | Polity(14/2/24) | Mensuration | History | English Exam(16/2/23) | English Exam(19/2/24) | History(20/2/24) | English Exam | Coordinate System | English Exam(21/8/24) | History(22/2/24) | English Exam(22/2/24) | English Exam(22/2/24) | English Exam(26/2/24) | History(28/2/24) | LCM & HCF | English Exam(28/2/24) | Compound Interest | English Exam(29/2/24) | Maths 01/03/24 | English Exam(1/3/24) | Blood Relations | Algebra | Clock | English Exam(4/3/24) | History(5/3/24) | Basics of Biology 1 | English Exam(6/3/24) | Maths | Number system | English Exam(12/3/24) | English Exam(12/3/24) | NUMBER SYSTEM | Reasoning | Chemistry | English Exam(13/3/24) | English Exam(13/3/24) | Reasoning | English Exam(14/3/24) | Units and measurement | History(14/3/24) | Maths | Time and Distance | English Exam(15/3/24) | English Exam(15/3/24) | Measurement | Vocabulary(16/3/24) | Squares and square roots | English(18/3/24) | History(18/3/24) | Reasoning | English Exam(19/3/24) | Geography(19/3/24) | Structure of Atom | Reasoning | English Exam(20/3/24) | Time and Distance | Mechanics | Reasoning | English Exam(25/3/24) | GK Exam(25/3/24) | English Exam(26/3/24) | Average | English (26/3/24) | Direction 26/03/24 | Directions | English Exam(27/3/24) | Profit and Loss | English Exam(28/3/24) | Motion and Force | GK Exam(1/4/24) | GK Exam(9/4/24) | GENERAL AWARENESS TEST 17042024 | English and GK(17/4/24) | GK Exam(18/4/24) | GK(19/4/24) | SCIENCE FOR G D | MATHS TEST FOR G D | GK Exam(22/4/23) | GK Exam(23/4/24) | GK Exam(2/5/24) | GK Exam(3/5/24) | History(6/5/24) | BIOLOGY EXAM-MAY 08052024 | English Exam(10/5/24) | GK Exam(14/5/24) | GEOGRAPHY-MAY 15-05-24 | Biology exam-16-05-2024 | English Exam(17/5/24) | Chemistry | English Exam(2O/5/24) | GEOGRAPHY-MAY 20-05-2024 | GK Exam(22/5/24) | Chemistry | GK Exam(23/5/24) | Reasoning | Chemistry | GK Exam(25/5/24) | English Exam(25/5/24) | GK Exam(27/5/24) | Reasoning | Chemistry | GK Exam(28/5/24) | Mathematics | Noun and Pronoun(29/5/24) | GK Exam(29/5/24) | English Exam(29/5/24) | Chemistry | Chemistry | GEOGRAPHY-MAY 31-05-2024 | SET Theory | Modern Physics | biology exam-5-6-2024 | English Exam(5/6/24) | GK Exam(5/6/24) | Geography exam 5-06-2024 | Politics | Chemistry | Adjective (6/6/24) | GK Exam(6/6/24) | Chemistry | Politics | biology exam 7-06-2024 | GK EXAM(10/6/24) | biomolecules-10-6-2024 | cell -10-06-2024 | Nuclei and Radioactivity | MNS MOCK EXAM-2(10/6/24) | GK Exam(12/6/24) | cell biology-12-06-2024 | Chemistry | ecology and environment | Adjective(13/6/24) | English Exam(17/6/24) | MNS English Exam(17/6/24) | cell biology- 17-06-2024 | Elements and compounds | Permutations and Combinations | English Exam(20/6/24) | MNS ENGLISH EXAM(20/6/24) | cell biology exam 20-06-2024 | cell biology 21-06-2024 | English Exam(24/6/24) | Relations | MNS ENGLISH EXAM(24/6/24) | Center of Mass and rotational motion | MNS ENGLISH EXAM(25/6/24) | geography exam -26-06-2024 | MNS ENGLISH EXAM(26/6/24) | History | English Exam(27/7/23) | Limits | Functions | geography exam-2-7-2024 | MNS ENGLISH EXAM(2/7/24) | English Exam(3/7/24) | Gravitation | English Exam(4/7/24) | MNS ENGLISH EXAM(4/7/24) | NDA ENGLISH(4/7/24) | Limits | MNS English(5/7/24) | MNS ENGLISH EXAM(8/7/24) | human health and diseases-8-07-2024 | biology exam-8-07-3034 | English Exam(9/7/24) | Chemistry | MNS ENGLISH EXAM(10/7/24) | Differentiation | MNS ENGLISH EXAM(11/7/24) | General Properties of Matter 1 | NDA ENGLISH(15/7/24) | MNS Exam (15/7/24) | helath and diseases- 15-07-2024 | GK EXAM-16-07-2024 | GK EXAM-16-07-2024 | GK EXAM-16-07-2024 | English Exam(16/7/24) | English Exam(17/7/24) | Chemistry | Differentiation | Differentiation | Differentiation | Differentiation | Differentiation | Differentiation | Differentiation | gk exam-18-07-2024 | Differentiation | GEOGRAPHY EXAM | Differentiation | MNS Exam(18/7/24) | biology exam-22-07-2024 | differntiation | English Exam(23/7/24) | GK EXAM 24-07-2024 | GK EXAM 24-07-2024 | Chemistry | differntiation | English Exam(25/7/24) | physics | chemistry | English Exam(26/7/24) | reasoning | pollution-29-07-2024 | Application of derivatives | GK EXAM 30-07-2024 | GK EXAM 30-07-2024 | English Exam(31/7/24) | Chemistry | English Exam(1/8/24) | Reasoning | MNS English Exam(2/8/24) | physics | GK EXAM-5-8-2024 | BIOLOGY EXAM-5-8-2024 | English Exam(6/8/24) | reasoning | English Exam(7/8/24) | English Model Exam(7/8/24) | Application of derivatives | basic maths | chemistry | English Exam(12/8/24) | biology exam-12-08-2024 | Number System | Number System | conic sections | chemistry | English Exam(16/8/24) | BIOLOGY EXAM-19-08-2024 | GK EXAM-19-08-2024 | GK EXAM-21-08-2024 | general science | Reasoning | English Exam(23/8/24) | GK | Geography -26-08-2024 | conic section | conic section | general science | geography exam 29-08-24 | English Exam(29/8/24) | English Exam(30/8/24) | English Exam(2/9/24) | Geography exam 2-9-2024 | GK EXAM 3-9-2024 | History(3/9/24) | maths | LCM AND HCF | GK Exam(4/9/24) | biology exam-4-9-2024 | physics | physics | Reasoning - directions | GK EXAM-06/09/2024 | English Exam(6/09/24) | NDA/SSC Exam(9/9/24) | geography exam-9-9-2024 | biology exam-9-9-2024 | Reasoning - number series and continuous pattern | SSC/NDA Exam(10/9/24) | sss mock test-2 | ssc mock test-3 | History(11/9/24) | Reasoning | Reasoning- mathematical operations | English Exam(20/9/24) | general science | human health and diseases-24-09-2024 | physics | biomolecules-25-09-2024 | English Exam(26/9/24) | Complex number | Reasoning- syllogism | Reasoning- syllogism | international organisations | physics | Ratio and proportion | English Exam(2/10/24) | biodiversity conventions-3-10-2024 | RESPIRATION AND REPRODUCTION-4-10-2024 | basic maths | sequence and series | Simplification | work energy power | Alpha-numeric series | English Exam(9/10l24) | Surds and indices | trignometric functions | Basic maths operations-14-10-2024 | physics | Blood relation | English Exam(16/10/24) | physics exam 17-10-2024 | Basic Maths | ssc maths | Biology exam-18-10-2024 | trignometric functions | Ages | fractions 21-10-24 | physics | coding-decoding-24-10-2024 | Metals and non-Metals | Ages | ssc maths | LCM and HCF | reasoning- Coding and Decoding | BIOLOGY-25-10-2024 | English Exam(26/08/24) | Coding-decoding | trignometric functions | physiccs | English Exam(29/8/24) | Percentage | fractions 29-10-24 | English Exam(30/8/2024) | ssc maths | biology exam-1-11-2024 | economic biology-4-11-2024 | Symbols and notations | English Exam(6/11/24) | English Exam(7/11/24) | sets | sets | sets | ANALOGY-7-11-2024 | History Exam(8/11/24) | English Exam(9/11/24) | structure of atom-11/11/2024 | SETS | SETS | Genetics-12-11-24 | English Exam(13/11/24) | DECIMALS-14-112024 | SETS | Dice and cube | Ratio and proportion | UNIT AND MEASURMENTS | English Exam(19/11/24) | English Exam(19/11/24) | Partnership | UNIT AND MEASURMENTS | UNIT AND MEASURMENTS | Time and work | RELATION AND FUNCTIONS | coding-decoding-22-11-2024 | India and space technology | solar system and its planets-25-11-2024 | Calendar | English Exam(27/11/24) | history-27-11-2024 | BODMAS - 28/11/2024 | binary numbers | RELATION AND FUNCTIONS | Sitting arrangement | WORK ENERGY | Syllogism | Active Passive(3/12/24) | cell biology 3-12-2024 | WORK ENERGY | Active and Passive Exam(4/12/24) | English Preposition(4/12/24) | chemistry exam-4-12-2024 | Mixture | physics-5-12-2024 | sequence and series | sequence and series | Series(ssc/rrb) | Vocabulary(7/8/24) | enzymes and hormones-9-12-2024 | GEOGRAPHY EXAM-10-12-2024 | GRAVITATION | Alligation | English Exam(10/12/24) | Physical and world geography -11/12/2024 | English Exam(11/12/24) | gravitation | units and measurements | GK exam-12-12-2024 | complex number | English Exam(13/12/24) | Word formation | Time and work | electrostatics | electrostatics | English Exam(27/12/24) | REASONING EXAM-30-12-2022 | HISTORY EXAM 31-12-2024 | MISSING NUMBERS | current electricity | current electricity | human health and diseases- 1-1-2025 | geography exam-2-01-2025 | Environmental conventions-2-1-2025 | quadratic equation | diseases-3-1-2025 | Seating arrangement and puzzle | Agriculture in India-6-1-2025 | Pipe and cistern | thermodynamics | thermodynamics | PHYSICS-7-1-2024 | English Exam(8/1/25) | chemistry exam-8/1/2024 | History exam 9-1-2025 | permutation and combination | English Exam(9l1l23) | SIMPLE INTEREST | REASONING EXAM-10-1-2025 | English Exam(10/1/25) | Permutations and combinations | Pipe and cistern | TRANSPORTATION | English Exam(15/1/25) | English Exam(16/1/25) | permutation and combination | permutation and combination | Statement and assumption | Ancient history-17-1-2025 | current electricity | transportation-18-1-2025 | Statement and conclusion | CURRENT ELECTRICITY | CURRENT ELECTRICITY | CURRENT ELECTRICITY | English Exam(22/1/24) | indian socio-religious reform movements-23-01-2025 | Mirror image | limits and functions | Ages | limits and functions |

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